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Pool of Professionals 

LGANT maintains a Pool of Professionals Database to assist in building capacity in the public service. If you are looking to fill a temporary assignment in a critical area, this tool can help connect you to the right person with the right experience. 


Senior Administrators looking to fill temporary assignments 


Contact us at for the current Pool of Professionals List containing names, contact information, areas of expertise, and any relevant northern experience. 


The contractors and individuals listed in the database have indicated that they are interested in contracts or temporary assignments with Local Governments in the NWT. The list is provided without recommendation or knowledge as to the skills or abilities of any individuals or companies listed. LGANT or any of the PSCICG partners DO NOT have copies of resumes or fee structures of any respondents on the list. The respondents listed are neither vetted nor recommended; it is the responsibility of each community government to contact the interested parties and proceed, exercising due diligence. The list is not public, members can access the list by contacting LGANT at


Contractors/Professionals interested in temporary assignments with local governments 


Local governments often need temporary assignments filled in the following areas:

  • Senior Administration (LGA’s and SAOs)

  • Financial Management

  • Project & Contract Management

  • Asset Management, Procurement

  • Community Land Use Planning

  • Engineering (Consultants)

  • Auditor, Communications

  • Human Resources.

If you have experience in one or more of the above areas and are interested in being added to our Pool of Professionals database, contact us at and we will provide you with a list of the information we require. Please do not send us a resume as we do not act a job placement service; we simply provide information to community governments to make their own hiring decisions. 

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