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Resource Library

The resources below are published online and available to the public. LGANT has compiled these for your reference and hope you find them helpful. Please note LGANT did not draft these policies and is not responsible for the content; use at your own discretion and at your own risk.


We are always looking for northern content and policies - if you have a policy, job description, or template that has worked for your community, please send it to us for use in this reference library. 



Job Descriptions

Service Tenders



Reference Websites

Human Resources


Toolkits & Guides


Job Descriptions & Contracts

Senior Administrative Officer (Enterprise)

Senior Administrative Officer (Norman Wells)

Band Manager (Wei Wai Kum First Nation - Campbell River, BC)

Chief Executive Officer - (YKDFN)

Finance Director - (District of Stewart)

Human Resources Director - (District of Squamish)

Chief Administrative Officer Contract (Canadian Association of Municipal Administrators)

Senior Administrative Officer Contract (Tulita)


Tenders, RFPs & Permits

External Audit Services Tender

Application for Development Permit (Fort Smith)

Solid Waste Facility Management RFP (Hay River)




Chase the Ace - Hay River

Civic Addressing Bylaw- Inuvik 

Traffic Bylaw- NWTAC  

Smoking Cannabis Bylaw- NWTAC

Short Term Borrowing Bylaw- NWTAC

Procedure Bylaw (Voting) - NWTAC

Procedure Bylaw (Non-Voting)- NWTAC

Local Improvement Bylaws- NWTAC

Highways Bylaw- NWTAC 



Tangible Capital Asset Policy- Whati

Social Media Terms of Engagement- Yellowknife 

Asset Management Policy- NWTAC

Letter of Support Policy (Burns Lake, BC)

Social Media Policy/Terms of Use (Trail, BC)


Reference Websites 

Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act, NWT- Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner NWT

Municipal and Community Affairs GNWT 

School of Community Government webinars

School of Community Government E-Learning

Human Resources

Duty to Accommodate employees (NWT Human Rights Commission)

Employers must be sensitive, inclusive, and flexible when a person requests an accommodation. Making an exception or changes to policy or procedures in order to accommodate an individual or group is your responsibility under the Human Rights Act, Accommodating employees with disabilities

Human Resources Policy Manual (coming) 

Guide to Termination for NWT and Nunavut (HR Downloads)

Wrongful Dismissal Liability- NWTAC 

Planning Public Engagement- NWTAC 

Volunteer Firefighter Recruitment and Retention- NWTAC 




COVID-19 and Local Governments in the Northwest Territories 

This detailed publication by Alyssa Holland, Associate at Lawson Lundell provides you with useful information specific to Local Governments in the NWT

COVID-19 and the Workplace (For Local Governments) 

Sandra MacKenzie, Partner at the Yellowknife Office of Lawson Lundell, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic has written this helpful publication to help you know your rights and obligations as employers in the Northwest Territories. 

New Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act Will Place Obligations on Communities

A detailed article by Sandra MacKenzie and Lyndon Stanzell, Lawson Lundell LLP. about the obligations and expected changes affecting local governments. 


Aboriginal and Treaty Rights Information System

The Aboriginal and Treaty Rights Information System (ATRIS) is a web-based, geographic information system that locates Indigenous communities and displays information relating to their potential or established Aboriginal or treaty rights.

Canada's Arctic and Northern Policy Framework

A framework prepared by the Government of Canada and its partners to empower people and communities to work together for a vibrant, prosperous and sustainable region.


Local Government Administrators Handbook
A handy guide for new or aspiring local government administrators for an overview of responsibilities and roles, human resources, asset management, and more. 

Land Management Guide for SAOs

Effective land management is about more than just the technical aspects of drafting and ensuring correct lease documents.  Dealing with such a valuable resource as community land requires a broad range of knowledge and experience that touches on community development, community planning, the financing of land development as well as land agreements and leases

Emergency Plan Template

An emergency plan establishes a framework that ensures a community is prepared to deal with any emergencies and hazards. 

4 Essential Elements of an OHS Program - For small, medium and large businesses

OHS Regulations legally require employers with 20 or more workers to have an OHS Program. The WSCC has tools to support your business in setting up and maintaining a strong OHS Program.


Toolkits and Guides 

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