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News & Events

November 5, 2019 

Invitation to Participate in a New Research Project 

Read the full request here

Online Survey late November/ early December 

LGANT has been contacted by a Nunavut-based researcher, Paul Carolan, who is working on a research project focused on Workplace Health, Safety and Wellness in municipalities in the Northwest Territories, Nunavut, and Yukon. He would like to speak to SAO's, Band Managers and Town Managers across the NWT to learn more about safety programs and support municipalities need for workplace health and safety programs.

July 24, 2019

Nominations now open for LGANT Awards of Excellence

Read the full news release here

Deadline for submission: August 30, 2019

Local Government Administrators NWT is seeking nominations for the Senior Administrator of the Year and Band Manager Mentor Award, awards which recognize excellence in local government leadership and administration.


The Senior Administrator of the Year award recognizes outstanding commitment, dedication and public service to community. The Senior Administrative Officer (SAO) is the administrative head of the municipality, and may also be known by the titles Chief Administrative Officer, Band Manager, Town Manager, Council Manager, Chief Executive Officer or City Administrator.


The Band Manager Mentor Award was first awarded in 2018, and recognizes a Band Manager who has provided wisdom, guidance and support to their peers in their leadership role. 

Criteria and nomination forms can be found here

July 10, 2019

LGANT seeking RFP submissions for audit services

Deadline: August 4, 2019

LGANT is seeking submissions from qualified accounting firms for financial auditing services. Auditors will be appointed at the LGANT AGM in September 2019 for a 2 year term. 


Contact for an RFP package. 

April 8, 2019

LGANT Welcomes First Nation Administrators into Association of Professional Administrators

Read the full release here

First Nation Administrators are now eligible for membership in Local Government Administrators of the Northwest Territories (LGANT), a professional association working to provide support, advocacy and professional development opportunities for senior administrators working across the NWT.

“Broadening our membership base was a key objective of our 2018-2022 Strategic Plan and we have been working closely with the Band Managers Working group on this change. We’re excited to welcome Band Managers from across the NWT as full members and continue our reputation of excellence in supporting, improving and expanding capacity at the local level through the professional association of LGANT and are looking forward to the new insight that First Nation administrators will bring to this professional association,” said Grant Hood, LGANT President and Senior Administrative Officer, Inuvik.


“The Band Managers Working Group has been developing a model for professional development and peer support for First Nation Administrators since 2015. We are pleased that LGANT has agreed to extend full membership to all First Nation Administrators in the Northwest Territories. Although our governance structures differ, our commitment to providing professional administrative support to our leaders and communities is shared. I am looking forward to developing increased professional support for First Nation Administrators through our involvement with LGANT,” said Liza McPherson, Chair of the Band Managers Working Group.

March 27, 2019

What does the Federal Budget mean to Community Gas Tax Funding?

LGANT received this update from MACA to share with our members:

Canada will be providing a one-time top up to the federal gas tax funding equivalent to the funding provided in 2018-2019.  What that will mean for NWT communities is that in July 2019, the GNWT will process an additional payment to community governments in an amount equal to your 2018-2019 funding (so you will get ½ of your 2019-2020 allocation plus the equivalent of the full 2018-2019 allocation you received).  This payment will be subject to the usual process for gas tax payments, so you must be in compliance with your gas tax agreement in order to receive the payment. The new funding can be used on the same eligible program criteria as is currently allowed in your funding agreement.


MACA is still confirming details with Canada but it’s believed this will be reported in your 2019-2020 financial statements and audit. Those details will be included in an amended contribution agreement which will be provided to you in the spring.  As you may remember, the Gas Tax payments are issued in July and November each year, so MACA’s priority will first be to ensure that all core funding agreements are up to date and then we’ll prepare and provide you with the gas tax agreement.  The agreement for 2019-2020 will be for one year, as Canada will be updating its agreement with the NWT later this year.

If you have any questions, please contact your Regional MACA Superintendent.

LGANT acknowledges we are located in Chief Drygeese territory. From time immemorial, it has been the traditional land of the Yellowknives Dene First Nation. We respect the histories, languages, and cultures of all Indigenous Peoples including the North Slave Métis, and all First Nations, Métis, and Inuit whose presence continues to enrich our vibrant community.

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